Art Discord Community


Did you know I have a discord, and it's like, very professional, famous, and big in the concept art and CG industry? Well, it's not, it's new, and it's mostly still being built, it has a lot of memes, secret taco recipes, and of course, concept stuff. Join in, or don't… it’s a free country.

Discord community link is here for when you decide to join.

hard surface keyshot materials with a robot bust advertising the bundle. Displaying a range of different metallic textures

I’m itching to dive back into writing design essays and articles for you. Crafting these takes time, but if the demand keeps up, you’ll definitely see more soon.

Store content:

A vendor advertising the mentorship of miguel nogueira, a sample sold at cheaper price as preview. Text reads: "Portfolio review" and further below: "Recorded live demo, portfolio presentation, artwork paintovers, career advice." explaining content

Store content has been a bit absent lately, but I'm working on updates for the upcoming months this year.
In case you haven't noticed, here are the latest products:

  1. Hard Surface Materials for Keyshot.

Elevate your renders with our latest bundle. It’s all about texture, reflection, and color—six versatile materials ready for action. Drag, drop, and let your creations shine!

2. Mentorship Sessions - DEMO

Join me as I dissect a junior concept artist’s portfolio. This series isn’t just about critique; it’s a treasure trove of design thinking, practical advice, and portfolio-building strategies. Watch live demos, explore paintovers, and gain insights that’ll elevate your work.

Hope you enjoy this tutorial. 


How Surfing and Skateboarding Unlock Creativity


Is Feng Zhu's School Worth the Investment? A Freelance Concept Artist's Perspective